dysport in Houston, TX

Reverse Signs of Aging with Dysport®

Virtual Consultation

Smoother, softer skin in minutes

First signs of wrinkles, such as the forehead, glabella (the 11’s) and crow’s feet, often begin in your late 30s.

They occur, in part, due to the natural aging process of descent of the facial fat pads. However, fine lines and wrinkles can also occur from making the same facial expressions over time. If you’re dealing with the signs of aging, or want to prevent these issues from happening in future, Dysport in Houston is a highly effective solution to smooth out your skin!

Treatment details

Treatment type


# of Treatments Needed


Treatment time

15 to 30 minutes




Crow's feet

Laugh lines

Frown lines

Fine lines

Dr. Christi Injecting Neurotoxin in Patient's Cheek

How Dysport in Houston works

Benefits of Dysport in Houston

Patients all across the Houston area love Dysport and other neurotoxins for the variety of benefits the treatment offers, including:

No Down Time

Onset of Results occur within 1 week

10-Minute Treatment

Predictable, Subtle Results

Voted #1 For Wrinkle Treatment

Real results

Your Dysport results

Although everyone’s body responds differently, most people begin to see the results in 5-7 days. Over time, you should anticipate firmer skin and a more youthful appearance lasting about 3 to 4 months!

a passionate, experienced medical team

Choosing the right medical spa is the key to realizing the best outcomes.

The ChristiMD staff members are professional, knowledgeable, and compassionate. We are all brought together by a commitment to providing a trustworthy, welcoming space for every visitor who walks through our doors.

Operating inside Methodist Medical Office Building Two, we have access to highly advanced medical treatments that aren’t available under one roof anywhere else in Houston.

Get started

Use our Virtual Consultation Tool to explore the treatments that might work best to address your unique concerns.

Virtual Consultation Tool

Frequently Asked Questions